
Showing posts from 2020

Mind Plays of team work

  Mind plays of team work @Aridey179 A team is not where we are with our friends or like-minded people. But rather something even beyond it. On the contrary, it refers to a climatic condition where the team mates can exchange and ponder over meaningful ideas and thoughts as they work towards a common set of goals and no person feels defensive for stating his to clear his queries. Importantly psychological safety in a group implies viewing mistakes not as character flaws or indictments of incompetence but as part of learning process. The team must stand upon two pillars of mutual trust and mutual understanding giving respect to one another. If it is that way members are more comfortable in making errors those errors are unconditional and not purposeful. Such type of errors makes a human co-exist with one another.   When the team members don’t belittle each other this will make the team more open to receiving constr...

The snoopy subway surfer

THE SNOOPY SUBWAY SURFER  @Aridey179   The runaway game from the beast behind us where we are risking our self not to dash over the trains: The subway surfer. Pretty much every individual has the experience of playing this game. This is another sort of addiction where we tend to donate much of our time in terms of relaxation. The blame is not playing the game or paving our time through this. The risk is that of our lives becoming similar to this. Similar? Yes.  Here I give the links for a better understanding. A lifestyle change has brought tremendous effects in humans. Being a busy bird and no time is the only option we survive upon. This busyness has turned man into a machined life. Our monotonous life style can be described in two categories. On weekdays we are busy earning and weekends partying, shopping and home swaying. In subway surfer whichever character you choose runs ahead without turning back. The beast chases him/her until he/she gets caught. The beast in our...

Will you agree if I disagree with what you agree?

  Will you agree if I disagree with what you agree ? Follow me at Instagram #aridey179 Agreeing and disagreeing is a person’s personal opinion. Well, my disagreement to your agreement may make you agree with my disagreement. Now on or off to my debating mode! Do comment your views at the end! The term reservations are quite common when the gender of women is considered. The world is racing faster where the core concept of empowerment should be human empowerment. Isn’t it? Well, now comes the class of women empowerment and that too the reservations. These reservations in any concept are not the ladder to empower women rather it is a crutch provided to stand and to be uplifted in this competitive world. Now, here you may disagree… Empowering women this way is a bad idea indeed. Don’t stop reading here! Despite if given a thousand reasons to signify or even dignify women through reservations- I as an individual am against this policy. The reasons are that; firstly I am not a male writ...


 RECIPES FOR A HAPPY BRAIN 2 I hope you all tried my last few recipes. Here I bring you 5 more recipes which are refreshing drinks and surely will boost your mind. 6) Green Tea Ingredients Mint leaves, pinch of turmeric, forest honey Procedure Boil mint leaves and a pinch of turmeric until the color changes. Then add honey to taste. This mint green tea is really beneficial in boosting your dull mood into an energetic one. You can also go for the regular green tea. 7) Kava root tea Ingredients Khawa powder, brown sugar Procedure Add this powder into your regular tea. Avoid white sugar and go for brown sugar. 8) French hot chocolate tea Ingredients 1 cup whole milk, 11/2 teaspoon brown sugar, 2 ounces dark chocolate, a pinch of cinnamon powder Procedure • Heat milk, before the milk boils add dark chocolate in segments. • Stir the mixture for 2-3 minutes until boil and serve hot. 9) Banana crunchy shake Ingredients Banana, brown sugar, almonds, flax seeds, Cocoa powder, basil seed...


  RECIPES FOR YOUR HAPPY BRAIN 😇 :) @Aridey179 As discussed in the previous article these foods help in relieving your stressed brain cells... Do try them and send me your reviews along with images. The best ones will be uploaded and given credits. 1. Soaked apple dessert Ingredients Apple, honey, cinnamon powder, walnuts, chia seeds Procedure • Take two apples or more, Cube dice it. • Add spoonful of honey according to your taste. • Let the apple be soaked in honey for few minutes. • Sprinkle crushed walnuts, soaked chia seeds and cinnamon powder. • Serve chilled or fresh. 2. Banana smoothie Ingredients Banana, milk, honey and almonds Procedure • Slice bananas as per the need. Say for 1 person 2 long bananas. • Boil milk on one side. • Add brown sugar/honey, a pinch of salt, bananas to the mixer avoid water. • Now slowly add cooled milk to the paste. • Serve chilled/ fresh sprinkle sliced almonds to it. • You can add ice cubes to increase/ serve chill. 3...


 RECIPES FOR HAPPY HORMONES  PART 1 @Aridey179 In the previous article I had discussed 5 ways of boosting your dull mood. In this article we will look how we can bring about a change in our diet to boost our hormones; dopamine and serotonin. These hormones are generally called happy hormones. As they boost the happiness Dopamine is involved in reward, motivation, memory, attention and more process. When this is released in large amounts it creates pleasure and motivates our specific behavior. Similarly you may come across terms like serotonin, tryptophan, phenylepinephrine etc. for a common mind these are a little too much. 1. PROTEINS: Proteins are really essential to make your dopamine function well. Proteins are made up of amino acids. Tyrosine is one kind of amino acid which helps in production of phenylalaline. Oh! You want the recipe right? Breakfast: Eggs and dairy Lunch: beef Mid evening snack: legumes Dinner: Soy foods 2. LESS SATURATED FAT CONSUMPTION: You require to...

Hope high to heed :) Check the link above :)


  READ FOR A CHANGE INSIDE-OUT AND OUTSIDE-IN @Aridey179 Life has a series of stages where sometime we feel low and sometimes high. There comes a period in life when you completely feel low and cannot concentrate on anything. It may be because things are not turning out as the way you had expected. Or it even may occur when you have everything going on good but you feel empty somewhere. Do you have money in your pockets and purses but feel restless inside-out and outside-in? Here as a budding psychologist I suggest the following for a refreshing new change. This will make you surely happy, calm and a sense of tranquility achieved.  No don’t stop reading here, I won’t suggest you make new friends or read self-help books in this article. [1] Change your diet Food rich in tyrosine, omega 3 and protein play a major role in reducing your anxiety, depression or mood swings. These components in food activate the dopamine production in your brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter respon...