Nokkuvarmam: Hypnotism roots event ancient 


India has roots in many ancient medical synopses. These include Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Yoga, Naturopathy and Homeopathy. These ancient medical modals are closely knit to the spiritual coexistence of the Hindu culture of prayers and rituals. Though all therapeutics don't force a spiritual base. India has diverse medicinal herbs and plant species grown. Each has its magical medicinal values. Each household possesses some Grandma medicines theory and is carried over generation after generation. Nokkuvarmam has its amazing roots in the Indian medical system.

The Siddha school of thoughts

Siddha is an ancient Tamil medical system from Kanyakumari, the southernmost part of India. The Dravidian Siddhars are the people associated with Siddha medicine. they recorded the school of thoughts of their mystic findings in medical therapeutics on various sources of olai chuvadukal  (the leaflet books). And practices of yoga, astrological theories, horoscopes, stars, planets and many more have been preserved and passed on to this world. 

It is amazing to know the deeper roots of meditation and mindfulness techniques has started from the Siddharkal who accumulated wisdom and knowledge over the years of devoted practice. Nokkuvarmam is one of the key therapy and concrete forms of practice that is not taught to all who are willing.

 Siddha medicine, similar to Ayurveda, has five main elements of spiritual essence;  aimpootham; namely the air, water, earth, fire and sky.

Each therapy focuses on one or more of the above elements for the process of treatment. Three main special therapies are unique to Siddha systems of medicine;

  • Varmam: This is an art of vital parts that are used to treat various nervous disorders, paralysis and more.

  • Thokkanam: It is a therapy for chronic rheumatic ailments, neuromuscular or skeletal disorders.

  • Kayskarpam: it is an elixir science through the process of rejuvenation and making the body stronger.

Siddha developed as a  medical system around the 1920s. Before 1920, it was all Ayurveda, precisely Tamil Ayurveda. Agastyar or Agasthya is believed to be the founding father of Siddha Medicine. Eighteen Siddhars are considered to be the pillars of Siddha Medicine. The history of each of them is unique and different.

Varmam theory and its classification

According to Varmam theory, some points in our body have vital energy-storing capacity and transmission of them to various body parts. Through this, all the functions of the body are mediated. There are 108 Varma nilaigal (points) that stimulate energy, heal disease or stimulate the immune system. The following are the classifications of vermam;

  1. Padu Varmam (Varmam due to injury)

  2. Thodu Varmam (by touch)

  3. Thattu Varmam (by blows)

  4. Thadavu Varmam (by massage)

  5. Nakku Varmam (by lick)

  6. Nikki Varmam (by stare)

Nokku Varmam

The history of hypnotism with only staring at certain pressure points is the concept of Nokku varmam. The hypnotising power through eyes and controlling the stigma around was started 3000 to 4000 years ago in Southern India.

It is mentioned in the book Shrushtutha Samitha about the practices of Nokku Varmam and all the theories of Varmam kalaikal (art) in detail.

The history, roots back to the Hindu God, Shivan teaching Nokku Varmam to a Tamil God named Murugan. The Tamil God is believed to have taught the agathiyarkal and then to the aasan. Aasan is the Tamil word for teacher, trainer or master in Nokku Varmam art.

From a rational point of view,it can be understood that the roots of Nokku Varmam started in Tamil Nadu and now spread to Kerala and China through various sources.

Nokku means "see" in Tamil and Varmam means "pressure". As mentioned there are  108 pressure points in our body and these pressure points are activated by stare and radiating a certain pressure from human to human or human to an animal without any physical touch but only with sight.

The concept behind Nokku Varmam

Nokku Varmam is also considered to be a self-defence system. It was used in olden days battlegrounds and to save oneself from enemies. In ancient India, an animal like an elephant can be controlled through Nokku Varmam. The Siddharkal knew the exact pressure points on how to control an Indian elephant but the same doesn't apply to an African elephant.

The elephant trainer or the paahan is a trained expert in controlling these big beasts. Usual,lly they are controlled by stares during wars and battlegrounds. The concept of Nokku Varmam wasn't easily taught to anyone at the beginning but it was a teaching and transmission majorly through the oral sources only.

The special dynamism is that through this art of controlled stare the Tamil rulers were able to conquer larger areas for ruling and winning over a battle. During that ancient period even the Siddharkal were taken into battlegrounds to use this technique of Nokku Varmam and win eventually. 

The teaching of Nokku Varmam

Nokku Varmam is the highest level of knowledge in Siddhar Tradition of Varma Kalai. It is a kind of traditional martial art of the Tamil Dravidian culture. It comes under the branch of Varma Kalai under Siddha medicine. Other arts are Adimurai, Varma adi and Nokku Varmam.


Research says the origin of this traditional martial art from Tamil Nadu which was first introduced and taught by Siddhar Agastheeyar Mamuni. 

This legendary art of controlling with eye to eye pressure won't be taught to everyone who wishes to learn. Since it is considered to be the most dangerous part of this world, the aasanas of Nokku Varmam choose the people wisely to teach and hence carry forth this art to future generations.

Since it can be widely misused for various evils, the chosen person to learn this is carefully analysed and taught. This is the most powerful model of the defence system. If this art is misused it can lead to wide destruction and big unbearable consequences. The teachings are mostly secretive and preserved by the reasons for the goodness of this world.

It is not an easy art to be learnt or taught to everyone. The aasans in the Gurukulam, look for 3 main qualities in the learner; discipline, patience and the hard practices and willingness to learn for good causes. It takes years of practice and training. Usually, the learners are kept under observation and supervision for their keenness to learn. Henceforth their character and intention of learning are thoroughly analysed before they are taught. This initial period is of a few years where they are made to consume herbal concoctions for their physical and mental strength. This also improvises their cognitive capabilities for better functioning. While the practice period lasts longer for years.

How does Nokku varmam work?

Everything emits energy is the scientific theory. Similarly, even the sight of a person who can emit a certain bandwidth of energy to conquer another's mind is the concept behind Nokku Varmam. When a person concentrates on certain pressure points the energy is emitted and hence the mind is conquered.

Our mind works with three levels; conscious, unconscious and subconscious mind. Nokku Varmam is the basic way of controlling one's own subconscious mind and hence controlling others' minds in varied states.

Humans tend to forget things in their conscious mind like the emotions of pain and other intrusive thoughts. These are ultimately stored in the subconscious mind which awakens when we trigger those memories.

Nokku Varmam makes the conscious mind sleep and awakens the subconscious mind. It is usually done to erase the unwanted memories in the subconscious mind that prevails. The concept behind hypnotising is that the subconscious mind can be pressured and changed.

In the early 1970s, Ernest Hilgard conducted an experiment changing the subconscious mind of a healthy hearing and vision person into a blind and deaf person. Today, hypnotism works by optimising in fading away from the old memories, knowing the past life and hence changing the perspective of the life of the person. 

While training the subconscious mind, unwanted memories can be erased through Nokku Varmam and a person can be changed 8nside out on his or her beliefs of being a wise sage or an unruly terrorist. That is why this art is the most dangerous form of martial arts to be learnt.

Nokku Varmam in today's practice

Sadly, this ancient Tamil tradition has faded in Tamil Nadu but is practised in Kerala and parts of China. Nokku Varmam is portrayed in a Tamil movie Ezham Arivu starring Surya. This movie brings in some sources of Bodhi Dharma teaching Nokku Varmam to Chinese disciples. Yet contrasting views are portrayed by several researchers as the Siddha saint Bogar and the Zen saint from Tamil Nadu who travelled to China (Bodhidharma) are maybe two different personalities. It can be also analysed that both the saints' living periods overlapped and Bodhi Dharman may be a disciple of Bogar.

The practice of Nokku Varmam is maintained in secrecy and some sources in Kerala are reliable for the learning of this ancient art.



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