Book review: Your are the best wife_ Ajay K Pandey



Title: You are the best wife

Author: Ajay K Pandey

Genre: #Fiction

Favorite lines:

Don't think of what you will receive. Think of what you'll leave for others...

IMA...treated people poisoned by snakes in the past.

… Nokia handset, waiting for it to ring. It was almost like a virgin girl hoping to get pregnant.

Hopelessness and helplessness alone were part of my daily breakfast…

…there is a father in every man and a child in every girl.

…forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness but you deserve peace...


The story revolves around the two characters Bhavna and Ajay. The love birds start loving each other from their college days. While Ajay does his MBA and joins a job in Delhi whereas Bhavna works in Hyderabad. A time where the old Nokia phones were a means of communication. Bhavna is 26; her parents start the talk about marriage. She turns to Ajay and now the story begins of how they persuade their parents to get married due to their caste differences.

Bhavna's parents agree to the condition that Ajay's parents must agree. Here Ajay plays an emotional drama and with the timely help of a serial on TV of two people from two different castes falling in love and the struggles they face. They drop hopes. At that particular time Ajay's friends commits suicide on his break-up. This triggers Ajay's parents and finally their marriage gets fixed and they start a happy life.

Ajay faces frustration as he couldn’t enjoy with his bachelor friends and Bhavna's weekly shopping trips and her weird celebration of anniversary monthly. They plan for a long trip to Kerala before trying for a baby. 

Bhavna develops high fever and is hospitalized. The reports declared she was affected by dengue and septicemia. Ajay is perplexed and puts all his efforts on saving her life from admitting her to big hospitals, plasma donors, medical loans and more.

The doctors give up their hopes. Seeing Bhavna suffer with blood vomits, ventilator support, breathless breaths filled with pain Ajay is emotionally into pieces.

Did Bhavna survive? 

My opinion:

A common love story with an uncommon message. The book is filled with cute humor which makes you laugh silently and weep for the moments later. The way Ajay proposes and Bhavna's perception on living a quality life rather than a quantity life makes the difference. Their conversation will surely give a reflection to view the way of life we live and it is a mirror to all the relationship struggles everyone faces in the initial phases of love and married life.

A life to live for others and make others happy, a life to live to the fullest not in number of days but the number of moments...

You are the best wife says it all....

P.S I wish I should have stopped reading in the mid book where the authors says it is a happy ending and not to read that I could have cried least.

My rating: 4.5 /5

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