Book Review: Mahaswetha



Title: #Mahaswetha

Author: #SudhaMurthy

Genre: Fiction

My favorite lines:

Even though the female child is stronger than the male child at birth, as adults it is the man who becomes the oppressor, and the woman who suffers.


‘Like Rohini to Chandra, like Lakshmi to Narayana, am I to him. Just as the creeper

depends on a tree, emotionally I depend on him. I cannot live without him, and for his sake, I am

ready to renounce everything. Let society say anything it wishes. I do not care. . .’

Till death do us part. . .” And that is my promise to you


Marriage is a gamble. The result cannot be predicted beforehand.


 ‘Why did God give strong arms and the courage of a lion to man?’ ‘So that he can rescue helpless women, the distressed, and the forsaken


she had been climbing a sheer mountain face clinging to a rope for help, and then found that the rope

had turned into a snake

old wounds became raw again

My life has become a play now



silent as a graveyard


There is no perfection in anything in life.

Even in the great river Ganga there are black serpents.

The beautiful Saraswathi has jet-black curls;

The moon has a dark spot

Because even in nature perfection is not possible


My marriage! Let me cross that bridge when I come to it!


‘It is not always 



Anupama and Anand the love birds of the story. Like any other movie their meeting is a casual love story at the beginning. They get married soon and being a daughter in law to a rich family Anupma faces her challenges. Not all sister-in-laws will be good?!

Soon the trauma of leukoderma inflicts her. Being away from Anand and exposed to her superstitious mother-in-law and an opposing sister-in-law her life gets harder. She is back at home with her father and step-mother. In a village rumors spread faster than lightning.

In the meanwhile did Anand accept her?

One day she receives a letter from her friend and moves to Bombay with her. She finds a job and starts to enjoy her days away from the past. But soon her friends’ husband treats her differently. She moves out and joins as a Sanskrit lecturer.

She suffers with a fractured leg and gets acquainted with two doctors. Later one of them sincerely persuades her to marry him on the other hand Anand comes back and pleads for forgiveness and calls her back home.

Which way did she choose?....


About the book:

A woman suffering from leukoderma faces challenges in her life. She learns to balance herself at every pace of her life. She is bold and takes decision to hold her self-respect high above the clouds.  A tough life, where everyone abandons her and how she holds herself to pave her passion.

An inspiration to every woman to fight her battle of life.


My rating: 5/5

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  1. The prologue along with the review has set me in pace to read the book though. Interesting note aridey


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