Tribalism swapped into FASHION ITribalism swapped into FASHION I


Tribalism swapped into FASHION I

Modern days we only spared the old saying, “old is gold”. This saying has become so true and naïve that we often tend to restructure the old and ancient parameters revived into a new a dimension. This new dimension we proudly renamed it as FASHION.

Tribal culture hit my conscience to write, when I was engrossed in watching the TV series, “Primitive Survival” in National Geographic channel. The tribal people shown were expert craftsmen. They easily made so many tools (in our terms ancient tools) which were the basic tools for their survival. The tools for hunting and housing were basic and essential skills they learn and were trained from childhood.

Unlike this modern era, where we learn how to use latest smart phones, to heat food in oven or induction, washing machines, coffee maker etc- only one question arises in my mind… are these skills necessary for our primitive survival?

Many of us are trying to be in our ancestral path. By taking efforts to have organic foods and switching over to herbal products. These are some ways we are becoming aware is the best natures gift. The fact what I am trying to convey is that, survival in any circumstance needs to be learnt.

Allah’s Messenger Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon his soul) had given lot of importance to sports like horse “wrestling, riding, swimming, and archery”.

I am not against technology but I deeply feel that skills of survival are to be given more importance than learning the technology. Skills without the use of gadgets must be adhered.  AI will turn our world upside down with the influence of robots in our near future.

Take a moment, deep breathe, now close your eyes to imagine and witness a world, a moment without electricity… BLACK OUT & BLANK….is your vision, isn’t?

The knack of tribal existence need not be reproduced but something to be learnt. In broader sense we only are trying to follow the dressing culture of the tribal people. (You may argue its fashion but according to me you are a copy cat). Times were changing when each part of the bare body were covered with materials available.

Look back into the history books you will learn how being undressed to dressed civilizations have been transformed. If fashion and trend are the words you use and point a finger at me telling I am making no sense. Then here I pose a question to you. We are aware that tribal people have least/no literate skills. Does anything vulgar or absurd happen in their kin hood?

If nakedness is fashion then my dear readers then adhere to witness fashion as only a style of expression and not an impression of scavenging….be it anyone!

To be continued…

Signing off



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