
Showing posts from 2017

Straight lines and doodles

The life of the all the object around us is made of lines and doodles. This fun conversation between the two of them leads us to think on who is who. This worthwhile conversation which makes us ponders, while who is more preferred in a world full of creative creatures.  READ MORE

Creative calibre munch

When you go to sleep each night, you think tomorrow I will surely take this resolution. Ah! The resolutions? How far will they work out? Every time the day dawns you take up a resolution and in some time you forget about it turn to be the old you. So what can be done on these grounds when the beat of your heart aims for a change but your mind is too tired to accept the changes? READ MORE

Soul striking second

Hold on! Not your breath but your speed. Your time is running out. Every soul will taste death. This is an undeniable fact. Ponder over what will you do if something unexpected happens? How will you take that into your account? Death is your soul striking second. Time cannot rewind nor can death be kind. READ MORE

Mysterious mind plays

Our mind is storage drive which never deletes anything so easily. Unless attacked by any damage occurring to the memory part. Since 3 idiots we all are well aware of terms like déjà vu and Jamais vu. Apart from this we have more tricks and treat our mind plays with us. Let’s have a look. READ MORE

Eduventure your adventure

Eduventure? What comes to your mind reading eduventure? Is this word in the English vocabulary? Well, it’s not. So what actually is eduventure? READ MORE

Doubly-Infidelity in a new way!

"You make  me smile a billion times in a day...let these smiles be for miles we breathe....and tears just to wipe away all fears in  heart for not creating an art ...but to show we'll never depart" READ MORE

Something in between...A poetic lullaby of a ...

O you there, Mighty magnificent man Why do you want to hide? The given space is not so wide... You are my cruel cold caffeine...Why are you hidden in between? In dreams and reality, you left me Left me to search deep within.... Those voids with shunned scars Strongly shine more than those bright little stars... Come back to me, I  won't cry For I know you also wry..... READ MORE

Psychological prick to trick in team work

A team is not where we are with our friends or like-minded people. But rather something even beyond it. On the contrary, it refers to a climatic condition where the teammates can exchange and ponder over meaningful ideas and thoughts as they work towards a common set of goals and no person feels defensive for stating his to clear his queries. READ MORE


The growing world is expanding its horizons that in turn trigger our conscience to explore the unexplored. During this travel of our journey, we need to simplify and de-clutter our possessions. In more simple terms- to own less during the time we are alive. The logic behind is that we aren’t and can’t take anything to the grave- but just a white cloth piece...... READ MORE


Everyone in the city knew he was the best dancer ever. But he was reluctant to dance along with her. Though she was his girlfriend he didn’t want the fact of dancing. He literally begged her not to dance. That was the first time they were going to dance together. She was very excited about it....... READ MORE

Life overloaded with applications

The Smartphone trend is everywhere. Ranging from a small kid to an old man. Everyone carries a gadget along with them whether it is a vegetable vendor or be it a four-year-old kid. This world has been overloaded from the applications we use day to day. From tracking menstrual cycle apps to how many minutes you have walked in a day to how much calories you have lost you have apps as your check list...... READ MORE


When the prize announcement has been heard and you bagged the first prize, and you turn back to look at your friends; a chorus shout on party- treat is what you hear. This begins the exploration of fast food chains....... READ MORE


The series of life circumstances are already pre planned by God is what everyone believes other than that of the atheist. In few circumstances, some people loose hopes of how to move forward in handling the events taking place in life. In simple terms, I say it all lays on the way you posses the way you produce your thoughts. The thought production plays an important way of how we handle our thoughts and the way we produce our thoughts through the language we speak.  Speaking is a gift of God to all the human beings. .... . READ MORE


Everyone would have the cinema theatre experience. We watch the movies sometimes we rejoice and sometime sulk. In other words, every time we must appreciate the team behind the screens rather than any comments we pass on the story line or any other aspect of the movie.... READ MORE


M yopia is short-sightedness prevailing nowadays among everyone. This can be cured to a certain level but in other cases via surgeries. Hey! This article isn’t about the biology of the eye and the resulting myopic sight. Here I would like to talk about the myopic vision in terms of mental thought process. Still didn’t get my point?!   ....... READ MORE